Recruiting for a Multinational Enterprise in China Case Solution

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Case Solution for Recruiting for a Multinational Enterprise in China by Sarah Preusse, Diana E. Krause

The CEO of a multinational company wanted the new human resource team of their subsidiary in Guangzhou, China, to recruit and select 85 individuals for different positions throughout the company. These positions included finance managers, production managers, factory workers, secretaries, and interns. The members of the human resource team were highly diverse in terms of educational backgrounds (marketing, law, human resources, public relations, general business administration) and countries of origin (Canada, China, Germany). The team had to deal with a series of challenges to ensure the project’s success. These included a decision about task-specific job requirements, methods to assess job requirements, strategies for recruitment, methods for personnel selection, and final decision-making. The team also had to deal with diversity within the team, cross-cultural issues, and the leadership behaviour of its CEO.

Recruitment, Personnel Selection, Leadership, Diversity, International Teams, China, Recruiting for a Multinational Enterprise in China Case Solution

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