Pearson's Successmaker: Putting the Customer First in Transforming Product Development Processes Case Solution

02:17 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Pearson's Successmaker: Putting the Customer First in Transforming Product Development Processes by T.S. Raghu, Collin Sellman

Pearson Plc is an education company that operates worldwide, with headquarters in London, England. Its six primary business units are North American Education, International Education, Professional, The Financial Times, Interactive Data, and Penguin Publishing. The vice president of product management within the Digital Learning division of the North American Education unit based in Chandler, Arizona, begins to transform the product development processes to better meet the needs of his customers in the education market, specifically in transitioning from using an off-shored Waterfall software development model to an on-shore Agile model.
When the vice president first joined Pearson a year earlier, the Digital Learning unit had spent significant resources developing a major upgrade for one of its educational software products. The first version of this new product was challenged by the disconnect between what the software development group was delivering and what the vice president’s customers desired. He is now faced with a decision to continue focusing on the specific methodology the group had implemented (Scrum) or move to a new one (Kanban). Additionally, he has to consider expanding his focus to help drive Agile methodologies both with other groups in his business unit and outside his business unit. These decisions must be made at a potentially critical time for his products as his organization deals with the growing pains associated with the shift to Agile.

Product Development, Process Design, Agile Methodology, Systems Development, Educational Software, United States, Pearson's Successmaker Putting the Customer First in Transforming Product Development Processes Case Solution

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Gregory Shine Daycare Case Solution

02:15 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Gregory Shine Daycare by Matthew Thomson, Anthea Rowe

The executive director of a daycare is trying to figure out how to address legal, financial, and safety issues stemming from an incident that occurred two months before, when a two-year-old boy broke his leg. Despite having no formal training in public relations or crisis management, the executive director felt she had handled the incident reasonably well: it seemed as though everything at the daycare had returned to normal. Still, the executive director couldn’t stop worrying that the daycare might experience further fallout from the incident.

Public Relations, Crisis Communication, Canada, Gregory Shine Daycare Case Solution

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Olympus and the Whistleblower President Case Solution

02:13 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Olympus and the Whistleblower President by Christopher Williams, Seijiro Takeshita

The newly appointed president and chief operating officer of Olympus Corporation of Japan was called to an emergency board meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss governance issues regarding corporate mergers and acquisitions. However, it would be no ordinary meeting. Since assuming the role of president in April 2011, the president had discovered evidence of corporate fraud on a large scale. He had commissioned an external auditor report that showed a significant loss of shareholder value. His call for changes to be made to the Japanese board of directors had been met by resistance. How should he plan for the meeting? What could he expect? What position should he take? How should he influence decisions regarding the company’s immediate problems and its longer-term corporate governance?

Corporate Governance, Fraud, Crisis, Japan, Olympus and the Whistleblower President Case Solution

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Firstwell Corporation and the Production Mandate Question Case Solution

02:11 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Firstwell Corporation and the Production Mandate Question by Paul W. Beamish

Two facilities owned by a large U.S.-based multinational enterprise (one in Canada, one in the United States) are competing for a regional manufacturing and distribution mandate. The head of Firstwell’s global operating committee must decide whether the proposal from Firstwell Canada is best not only for the Kingston, Ontario, plant but also for Firstwell Corporation worldwide. The decision could signal a major shift in parent–subsidiary relations.

Subsidiaries, MNE Reporting Structures, Production, Organizational Politics, International Expansion, Canada, United States, Firstwell Corporation and the Production Mandate Question Case Solution

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Turning Around a National Icon: Yara Branco at Tarbes S.A. Case Solution

02:08 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Turning Around a National Icon: Yara Branco at Tarbes S.A. by Mary Weil, Ken Mark

Yara Branco has just joined Tarbes S.A., one of Brazil’s best-known technology firms, as its new CEO. She sees a crisis on the horizon and needs to find a way to communicate that change is necessary at the company. She must overcome several issues, including the fact that she is an outsider and that many insiders will not support the change effort. Branco needs to develop an appropriate communications strategy to begin her term as CEO. This requires determining Tarbes’s predicament, devising a list of stakeholders and barriers to change, and identifying the stakeholders’ interests and what might be necessary to change their positions.

Change Management, Culture, Communications, Electronics, Brazil, Latin Americ, Turning Around a National Icon Yara Branco at Tarbes S.A. Case Solution

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Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: Newmont Mining Corporation Case Solution

02:06 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: Newmont Mining Corporation by Sheila Puffer, David T.A. Wesley

The case takes place in Peru in the aftermath of the worst mercury spill in history by a transportation contractor for Newmont Mining Corporation. Newmont's senior vice president and chief administrative officer is sent to Peru to assess the situation. The subsequent audit revealed that Newmont's mining operations in Peru met neither U.S. nor Peruvian mining standards. There were water issues, there were air issues, there were road issues, there were health issues - all arising out of the mining operation, the report concluded. The investigation also found that Newmont executives could be subject to criminal prosecution and imprisonment for the company's actions in Peru. More importantly, the company had violated its social license with local communities, putting in jeopardy its ability to conduct business in that country.

Ethical Issues, Globalization, Developing Countries, Mining, South America, Northeastern, Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility Newmont Mining Corporation Case Solution

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Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: BHP Billiton and the Tintaya Dialogue Case Solution

02:02 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: BHP Billiton and the Tintaya Dialogue by Sheila Puffer, David T.A. Wesley

The case takes place in Peru in the aftermath of the worst mercury spill in history, by a transportation contractor for Newmont Mining Corporation. BHP Billiton, which has no connection to Newmont but is affected by increased hostility toward mining companies, enters into an agreement with Oxfam to conduct training on sustainability and “the impacts of large-scale infrastructure projects on communities.” Executives from the company’s various international business units are selected to participate in the program, to be held each year in Orissa, India. One of the first managers selected to attend the program is the general manager for BHP Billiton’s Tintaya copper mine in Peru. The case discusses the process, objectives, and outcome of the resulting dialogue between BHP Billiton and local indigenous residents.

Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Globalization, Developing Countries, Mining, Peru, Northeastern, Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility BHP Billiton and the Tintaya Dialogue Case Solution

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Contact us directly at The Monte Lauro Vineyards Story Case Solution

01:59 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for The Monte Lauro Vineyards Story by Iris Berdrow

HIGHLY COMMENDED CASE - 2013 European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Case Writing Competition. The case describes an innovative business model offering wine and a French cultural experience to North Americans. Students are given an opportunity to learn about the challenges of reviving a 1,000-year-old chateau, farmhouse, and vineyard while building a viable wine export and travel experience business. The case refers to a 15-minute online video that includes an interview with the entrepreneur, pictures of the Montlaur estate, and excerpts about Guédelon Castle, a medieval construction project.

Innovation Strategy, International Management, Entrepreneurship, Wine, Tourism, France, The Monte Lauro Vineyards Story Case Solution

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Apple A Case Solution

01:56 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Apple A by Mary M. Crossan, William T. Watson

The Apple A and B cases provide two different perspectives on the evolution of the computer and electronics firm Apple and are designed to evoke debate about models of strategy, organization, and leadership. The A case presents the story of Apple from a hindsight rational analytic perspective in which students are able to apply a variety of models about strategy, organization, leadership, and innovation. The B case presents a more nuanced, critical account of Apple’s development, attributing some of its success to happenstance and good fortune, and also raises questions about Jobs’s leadership.

Leadership, Innovation, Computers and Electronics, United States, Apple A Case Solution

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Warehousing Strategy at Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. (VGCA) Case Solution

01:54 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Warehousing Strategy at Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. (VGCA) by P. Fraser Johnson, Adam Bortolussi

The director of warehousing and logistics at Volkswagen Group Canada (VGCA) had been tasked with analyzing the capacity of the Toronto parts distribution centre to support an aggressive growth plan that involved a series of new product launches and product facelifts. Expecting that expansion of the facility would be necessary, the director needed to determine the additional warehouse capacity required, when it would be needed by, and which expansion option made the most sense.

Supply Chain Management, Warehousing, Distribution, Capacity Analysis, Logistics, Automotive Industry, Warehousing Strategy at Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. (VGCA) Case Solution

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Katherine Schuler at Boxes & Bins, Inc. Case Solution

15:07 Posted by Unknown
Case Solution for Katherine Schuler at Boxes & Bins, Inc. by Linda A. Hill, James Kindley

This case is about Katherine Schuler, soon to become senior vice president of marketing at a fast-growing retail organization, Boxes & Bins (B&B). Part of Schuler's success has been due to her "fit" into a company with clear values and principles. In particular, B&B always put its employees first, and eschewed debt in order to grow only as the company could afford it. Several years ago, the founders sold most of their stock to a private-equity firm, the Weichel Group, which leveraged B&B heavily in order to accelerate the opening of more stores and to pay off the founders. Even after a recent IPO, the Weichel Group remained a major shareholder, and it urged B&B to hire two senior managers from large discount retailers to run operations and merchandising. Schuler's move into her new role could lead to her becoming B&B's president if she is successful. Schuler understands that B&B needs to grow, and wants to help it do so, but is uncertain about the plans for how that growth will occur. She wants B&B to acknowledge its key success factors to date because she believes that doing so will help it move to a new future. Yet she knows that changing B&B may be impossible-therefore, leaving might be her best option.

Becoming a manager, Change management, Conflict; Managing careers, Networking, Organizational behavior, Organizational change, Organizational culture, Women, Katherine Schuler at Boxes & Bins Inc. Case Solution

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Nextel Peru: Emerging Market Cost of Capital Case Solution

15:03 Posted by Unknown
Case Solution for Nextel Peru: Emerging Market Cost of Capital by Luis M. Viceira, Joel L. Heilprin

NII Holdings, Inc. is a U.S. firm with headquarters in Reston, Virginia, and has wireless telephony operations under the Nextel brand in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. During 2012, as the firm struggled with a weak competitive position and a transition to a new 3G platform, its operating results suffered, and a number of analysts were concerned about the firm's liquidity. Against this backdrop, NII decides to refocus its operations on Mexico and Brazil. In April 2013, the company enters into an agreement to sell Nextel Peru to Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. (Entel) for between $397 million and $415 million. Through the use of Andean Capital Advisors, and its first-year associate Rafael d'Anconia, the case is meant to demonstrate concepts surrounding the derivation of the cost of capital in international settings. The case was designed for use in first-year MBA courses, but it can also be adopted for courses focusing on international finance.

Capital-Asset-Pricing, Emerging markets, Finance, International finance, Investment risks, Investments, Valuation, Nextel Peru Emerging Market Cost of Capital Case Solution

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Le Moulin Blanc Case Solution

22:13 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Le Moulin Blanc by Zsuzsanna Kispal-Vitai

A young entry-level employee starts work in the hotel industry in Eastern Europe. The case describes her experiences and shows the HRM practices in the particular hotel in which she works. The issue for analysis is less whether or not the employee should stay or leave this hotel, which has minimal pay and poor working conditions, and more the overall nature of human resources (HR) operations at this service organization, with regard to ethics and sustainability.

Hotel Management, Human Resource Management, Job Satisfaction, Ethics, Motivation, Eastern Europe, Le Moulin Blanc Case Solution

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Community Medical Imaging Case Solution

22:10 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Community Medical Imaging by Elizabeth M.A. Grasby, Jessica Kelly

In early February 2009, a radiologist with Community Medical Imaging (CMI), in London, Ontario, was approached by the Timmins District Hospital chief about providing on-call service to Timmins and the surrounding area. The hospital’s current provider had decided to relocate to the United States and could no longer provide service. The chief was hoping CMI could take on the extra workload. The radiologist knew this job would provide interesting work for CMI’s radiologists and would improve CMI’s presence across the province, but simultaneously would place an increased demand, both professionally and personally, on the entire team. Other radiology groups would be interested in this job, so the radiologist needed to accept or reject the job as soon as possible.

Accounting, Community Medical Imaging Case Solution

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Bain Capital and Dollarama Case Solution

22:09 Posted by Unknown ,
Case Solution for Bain Capital and Dollarama by Wayne Adlam, Ken Mark, Amanda Chan

The senior associate at a large Canadian bank is tasked with analyzing a potential Bain Capital buyout of Dollarama. The bank is offering $600 million in deal financing to the acquirer, Bain Capital Private Equity. Her role is to analyze potential financing structures, model various operating scenarios assuming different strategic directions, and assess the ability of Dollarama to service its debt following the acquisition.

Leveraged Buyout, Private Equity, Financial Analysis, Financing, Takeover Bids, Canada, Bain Capital and Dollarama Case Solution

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